

Tickets Available Now SquiggleConf
SquiggleConf 2024 will consist of two days:
  • Thursday, October 3rd: A full-day single-track series of full-length and lightning talks
  • Friday, October 4th: Free 1-2 hour morning workshops
See speaker details on Speakers.

30 minute talks with 5 minutes of live Q&A. These talks will dive into their subject area and show new ways of working with your tooling.

10 minute talks with 3 minutes of live Q&A. These sessions show great tech that you can talk about with the speaker between sessions.

1-2 hour hands-on sessions with the makers of dev tools. These in-depth, interactive workshops will level up your dev tool crafting skills.

One more workshop to be announced soon.

You’ll emerge with the best techniques to supercharge your projects — whether you’re already a tooling wizard or trying to become one.